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Portrait d’un cueilleur d’algues…

Stéphane Maddix Albert likes to play outside, but especially in the cold water of the Upper Gaspésie coast.

It was in 2014 inspired by his living environment and these resources that he created this extraordinary profession reserved for valiant hearts. His company Varech Phare Est offers 5 varieties of seaweed picked one by one and harvests 5 to 6 tons of this sea vegetable per year. Seaweed of irreproachable quality is dried on site, bagged and distributed throughout Quebec.

Depending on the year, the harvesting schedule can extend from May to the end of October and varies according to the harvesting time of the different species of seaweed sought after. Depending on the low tides, the schedule requires a great capacity of adaptation and a lot of willpower, sometimes finding oneself at 3:45 am in the middle of the action in the cold water teased by the changing weather.

Both feet in their element

Rain or shine, motivation comes from laughing and surrounding oneself with friends who share this task and unique moments in a living and unpredictable nature. Their relationship with the cycle of nature makes them sentinels of this generous resource while savoring this chosen life lived with the tides. The seaweed is picked by hand, but to avoid the effect of the murky water created by the waves, you have to learn to see with your feet.

By trampling the submerged shoreline, the seaweed researchers find and recognize the different species. The finds are carefully cut with a bread knife and placed in floating baskets.

Warm thoughts inside

Under his toque, when his thoughts wander to the things to do next, Stéphane says that there is always a mammal that shows up to bring him back to the basics as if to remind him to enjoy every moment. Seals are curious and funny and are often part of the perfect moments.

Increase Umami

Even if seaweed belongs to everyone, the work of a sea farmer is essential to make the link between this rich food and our cuisine. That's why we're very proud of this collaboration.

At the heart of the blend La pincée Kobé N°14 are the tasty flakes of 4 varieties of seaweed in a slightly spiced pepper with a crunch of hemp seeds and poppy seeds. This will make it easier to introduce this Quebec sea vegetable into your favorite recipes.


Cook it!

and partnerships

We are always rigorous in the choice of each ingredient that makes up our blends and we make sure that each of them meets our criteria for eco-responsibility. By choice, we favour local trade for all our suppliers. In this way, we ensure that the Quebec businesses that surround us and create jobs in the community shine. We care about the economic and social ecosystem of Quebec.

We continually seek to energize our business through partnerships and creative collaborations. This exercise can take many forms. From the creation of personalized products to “team building” activities, everything is possible. Do you have an idea or a suggestion? contact us if you have a project to propose to us!

A good balance of passion and expertise

La pincée is the story of two creative people who started to create by putting each their own... For several years now we have been listening to you. La pincée has a place of choice in your kitchens and your many good comments feed us in order to continue our mission. This is why we always have a lot of pleasure to make discover our spice blends to as many people as possible.

You can also contact us with any questions, suggestions or comments by email or via Facebook . Do not hesitate to share your successes with us with #lapincee

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